Monica Ambrose, Exec. Director of Surgical Marketing, discusses the Clinical, Financial and Operational benefits of IMAGE1 S™, a modular, scalable imaging platform that allows you to add capability as needed—including the Rubina™ NIR/ICG component.
I am thrilled to be with you here today for this very exciting moment. It is a true honor to share the launch of this meaningful image. One s for being a technology with you, but actually the same time. This is what we dio all day and every day at Carl Sports. You've heard that the customer, our patient, is at the center of all that we dio. This is what drives our design philosophy and the technology that we engineer and deliver our patients needs. So our patients needs change in your world of delivering health care is changing and it's changing and evolving at an extraordinarily rapid pace. What has served you and your patients for three years, three years ago, or even last year, or even maybe last month? We certainly know a lot has changed over the last year in the last few months. That is not the same as what you need today. And we understand this Staying in touch with this is at the core of what we dio and those changing needs apply to the to i c g for fluorescence guided surgery as well. We've been delivering this technology for years but now with a new, unique twist. So as you think about your surgical image ing needs, I invite you now to think one. Think of one video system that can meet all of your needs. Think one partner, Carl, starts in which one us now with Rubina is a surgical video system with a design philosophy that is truly different than anything else. It can offer you what you need when you need it. So what is this design philosophy? It is truly unique and different than anything else available on the market, and that is because it is modular and scalable. So what is modularity and why is scalability important? How might this result and optimize clinical care, improved efficiencies and reduce cost for your hospital system? So let's talk about those three really important topics. Clinical care, operational efficiency and financial value. Image. One us Now with Rubina offers you a modular system that delivers you a pristine image across multiple specialties. Image one us is not just general surgery. It's also urology and gynecology and neurosurgery and orthopedic surgery and e n. T. Surgery and even the ability to manage the airway. In fact, it's every scope and camera that goes along with those clinical needs. So gone are the days of needing to roll in a whole separate tower for your flexible Yuri Doris copies or different equipment to check in a nasty Moses at the end of a colorectal case, or even yet again a different tower for endoscopic three D neurosurgery. Now you can think one. This unique design philosophy of image one s really enables the addition of just simple modules with all the scopes and cameras available designed to meet all your clinical needs. That gives you what you need when you need it. And the mix of your clinical service lines has varied and the use of fluorescence guided surgery is also evolving, in fact, trending towards standard of care in many of those specialties that we just mentioned Image, one asked, Rubina is truly unique, and you've heard about this from Libby and Dr Chill Kerry, and that we can offer fluorescence imaging capability across the broadest range of clinical applications. So clinical care of your patients is an absolute priority, but so are operational efficiencies. Your hospitals and your health care systems are complex logistical operations, with many many moving parts, and ensuring that these complex operations run smoothly requires you to have supply chain excellence, staff education, plenty of staff education and optimize utilization of your equipment. So we just talked about the clinical value of modularity. Now let's think about the operational value of scale ability with a scalable surgical video system like image one s, you have one system to build upon as your needs for various service lines change and grow. Those needs may change hospital, the hospital or even operating room toe operating room, but they could be added as you need them. So no more buying multiple video towers for the needs of various service lines. You can just add the capability when you need it. In fact, four K i c g with Rubina can be simply added to every Carl starts video tower you have with just a very simple upgrade. No need to purchase all new systems. This equates to extraordinary value available Onley in one system image one s. So when you are thinking of investing in your surgical video towers, you really only need to think about investing in one image, one ass when you are investing in surgical video towers, you have the ability to invest in one video tower that can serve multiple specialties. And that video tower can be skilled up over time, where the alternative is a very, very costly investment in investing in multiple technologies. Having multiple technologies is confusing for staff takes up space in the hospital. It's more assets to manage, and it is most certainly more expensive. So this philosophy of modularity and scalability really is designed to deliver you the lowest cost of ownership. And this is what we've designed and engineered across the decades. So you really don't need to think about investing after expensive generation after expensive generation, perhaps every two years now with image one s Rubina, you can think one. So thank you so much for joining us. Thank you for allowing us to share the priorities we have and taking care of our patients through our unique value proposition and our design philosophy Image one s Rubina is now officially available. You will be amazed, and I cannot wait for you to experience this incredible advancement that can simply and cost effectively be added to your image. One asked Our when you think about a surgical video system, think Carl stores When you think Carl starts think one